Chicken Wiggle: il titolo volerà presto sul Nintendo eShop del 3DS, sguardo in video al level editor

Poche ore fa sono stati pubblicati due nuovi video dedicati a Chicken Wiggle, il titolo che volerà molto presto sul Nintendo eShop del 3DS.

Il primo vero titolo indipendente della nuova Atooi e Jools Watsham (dopo la separazione e il distaccamento di Renegade Kid), arriverà molto presto sul Nintendo eShop europeo e americano del 3DS.

I due video pubblicati ci mostreranno il level editor presente all’interno di Chicken Wiggle, oltre ovviamente alla classica azione platform, già apprezzata in titoli celebri come Mutant Mudds.

Potete trovare il comunicato ufficiale di Atooi, insieme ai video in questione, in calce all’articolo.

Chicken Wiggle – Hatching Soon!

The stars of Chicken Wiggle are an improbable duo: a young chicken and his best buddy – a wiggly worm – nestled in his backpack! Together, they team up for adventure to jump, peck, and worm-grapple across a myriad of perplexing platforming levels – full of fun gadgets, tricky hazards, and sneaky foes – determined to rescue their friends from the wicked witch in her sky towers.

But wait, there’s more! Aspiring game designers and playful doodlers alike can spend hours of fun hatching their own levels with the user-friendly level creator included with the game. You can even choose different gameplay rules, art themes, and provide custom hints, tips, and search tags. Once you’re ready, it’s easy to share your creations on-line with other Chicken Wiggle players via the community portal. Now, anyone can be a game designer on the go!

Players seeking more levels to play after completing Chicken Wiggle’s main story mode will find a wealth of unique levels to download, play, and rate for free! Level categories include Atooi official, popular, latest, or simply enter your own search tags or a specific level ID to locate a friend’s level.

See the Chicken Wiggle level editor in action. Totally winged it with this level. 😉

See the level in action as the improbable duo hop, grapple, and peck their way to rescue their friend.
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